11 March 2009

Time to "Thin the Herd"

It has come to my attention (which is "married bloke"-speak for "My wife has informed me") that homes have been found for some of the imps. Apparently there are populations of imps across the continent in need of "new blood". So I set myself the task of catching them. Easier said than done.

So far this week, I have tried staking out the kitchen at night, setting magical traps baited with chocolate, and even making myself invisible. Nothing. And I am now out several perfectly good chocolate bars.

Then by chance, a lucky break. I came home from work today to find that one of the little blighters has managed to squeeze into a soda bottle! Apparently the inside is too slippery for it to get out. Finally! I dug around for a cap, poke a few air holes in the bottle, and tied on a note with the lucky family's address. The imp, however, was furious, which I guess I can't blame the poor bloke given the circumstances. It made such a ruckus that my trusty owl almost refused to deliver it. But with a treat and a lot of persuasion, our first adoptee was on its way.

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